Aug. 4: Come for the open house. Stay for the amazing story of "Houston. It's Worth It."Randy Twaddle on authentic brands from user-generated content

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We're having our first open house next week... and we're thrilled to have one of the coolest people we know as our featured speaker. If you're interested in building authentic brands, destination marketing or user-generated content, you'll want to join us.

Because you'll get to meet Randy Twaddle, one of the partners behind ttweak. They're the Houston, TX marketing firm that came up with a brilliant - and completely unofficial - campaign to promote the city.

"Houston. It's Worth It." is anything but the usual civic boosterism. HIWI (as it's come to be called) doesn't just acknowledge the city's problems - it embraces them whole-heartedly, and invites residents to speak out for their community, warts and all.

Randy's going to tell us how HIWI captured the city's imagination, helped a community find its voice... and used the power of user-generated content to create a brand with rock-solid authenticity and surprising appeal.

It all happens on Tuesday, August 4 starting at 6:30 pm. We'll have food and drink on-hand, and you'll get to peek at our new offices.

Please RSVP at [email protected] or 604-568-8787.


kare anderson says

July 28, 2009 - 2:25pm



As a fan of Social Signal I know, first-hand that crafting slogans and tag lines are difficult (what specifically makes Houston worth it?).... sounds like a good program.  I like the behavioral change success of another Texas slogan - to reduce rampant littering: Don't mess with Texas.


For other members who may want tips on tag lines here's some


David Thompson says

July 28, 2009 - 7:31pm

Twaddle is indeed fantastic but I hear that his biz partner is the dreamy one... Wish he could make it.

Rob Cottingham says

July 29, 2009 - 11:12am

Hey, you're not the one who had to break the news to his fan club that he wasn't coming. You haven't heard sad until you've heard that many people people sobbing in unison. (And GM Place's acoustics only amplifies the effect.)

YuriBCN says

August 4, 2009 - 11:32am

Afraid I can't make it, though I'd luv to. BTW, first thing I thought of upon reading the slogan was "Ft. Worth"! Sorry!

Raul says

August 4, 2009 - 5:37pm

I can't stay long as I have a meeting at 7pm over by King Edward and Oak but will certainly pop by to give you guys a hug!

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