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How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0: Part 5 - Product sales

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How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0: Part 4 - Fee for service

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How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0: Part 3 - Earning revenue with advertising

Welcome to the latest installment in our series on revenue sources for non-profit social media projects. Today, I'm looking at what many non-profits first think of (and often, recoil at) when it comes to earning money online: advertising.

If your site attracts a lot of visitors -- or even a niche community of visitors that advertisers want to reach -- you can place advertising on your site to generate revenue. There are three types of advertising to consider:

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How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0: Part 2 - Intellectual property

This week, I return to the questions I recently posed about social media and social enterprise:

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How your non-profit can earn revenue with Web 2.0

Social media for social enterprise

Social Signal has worked with many different non-profit organizations, of varying size and means, to create a variety of social media sites, of varying scale and ambition. One thing that just about every non-profit client (and most for-profit clients) ask is about the return on investment. How can non-profits assess the financial value of their social media investments? And perhaps even more fundamentally, how can they find the money to pay for sites that can be costly to build, and just as costly to run?

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