Ian Capstick interviews Rob on Open SoSi, humour and more

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Long live face-to-face: one of the great things about conferences is reconnecting with old friends. I ran into Ian Capstick, a pal from my election campaigning days, at Northern Voice earlier this month.

He pulled me aside and shot a quick video for his company's blog, MediaStyle. We covered a lot of territory, much of it involving transparency and openness, in particular our Open SoSi project. Have a gander:

Interview with Rob Cottingham from Ian Capstick on Vimeo.

And by all means start reading Ian's blog. He has some terrific insights and gives you a valuable look inside his many projects.


Ian Capstick says

May 21, 2010 - 5:57am

Thanks for posting this Rob. Another amazing Northern Voice. Thanks for recording the interview with me. Next time you are in Ottawa swing past my office and we can record an even more in-depth podcast. All the best!

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